Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Leaves in crisis

I know there are a lot of major issues going on right now in the world. The planet is in ecological crisis. There are refugees of war who have no safe haven. Domestic violence. Occupying stuff. Major issues going on in the world. All I'm prepared to rant about, is leaf mold.

Imma kinda green 'n crunchy dude these days. Save the trees, recycle, eat local, sustainable, and organic type person. I had previously joined the City Greèn program. They sent a flyer talking about how we should rake the leaves into our planting beds, to help the plants winter, and the leaf mold forms a base for next year. I'm thinking "sweet, I can do that!" Did that, check. 

I called my guy, and I asked him to come by one more time. Told him I needed it bad, I had guests coming. The yard looked like hell, and I just couldn't have folk tripping over rootsnshiz. Long  story short, dude showed up early, blew all the leaves out into the street. "Man, you live on a corner! Wind'll take those right on away...!" I decided to cage the Green monster. I paid him, mentally took him off the list, and resolved to drag all those F'n things back the following evening, assuming they were not scattered to the winds. 

Fell into a dreamless sleep early. Been grinding as hard as I'm able this year, so I was tired. Woke up, went to work. Doncha know when I got home, there were no leaves in the street at all; the were back in my yard. 

Kinda like what happens to your problems if you decide to deal with it later, rather than sooner. They wind up right back in your yard. It's just a blessing if that's what you intended in the first place.easy for me to say, I know. 

Just remember who's yard those leaves start in. 

Yeah, I see you over there, raking the maple leaves off your property into the yard with the maple trees, like over half the yards I the neighborhood. Mr and or Ms. big time...can't even be bothered to perpetrate that you disposed of them sustainably. Maybe y'all don't know. S'all right, I'm still not letting the Green monster out. Talk is cheap. Yelling doesn't work. Chicks dig scars. Wait, where was I...

I was about to talk about how absolutely critical it really is for folk to tread more lightly on this earth. She is broken. We broke her. Have absolutely no idea if we can heal her. It's gone way past that, anyway. It's really about doing the right thing. Making sure you take those leaves, put them in the beds, and don't let them get blown all over the joint. Things be nice and neat when you do that. Tell the man before he blows them all over. Educate him about why the leaves should be in the beds, and how beneficial that is. 

Here's the thing. Dude's business is not to leave stuff in your yard. Puts him at a little disadvantage, on the market. Negative marketing by competitors about him being lazy, or whatever. Maybe, he's just old school, and they taught hi the way he's doing his thing in yard school. Whatever. I'm just wondering, wouldn't it be an easier sell, if you step to him with some understanding? Put yourself in his shoes, just  for a minute?

I mean, after all, you got leaves left that will need to be dealt with.

kga has been busy. Gratefully so. I've posted progress on much of my whip. Here are two commission pieces:

"She watches over"oil on canvas, 10"x12"

"The journey continues" oil on canvas, 10"x12"



1 comment:

  1. Those are good paintings, bro. And good words. (And I know about good words; we still have a book of stuff to talk about.) Good yesterday as well. My day's had the word "leaves' in it, too. As in, sometimes, something in your life you need to leave, leaves, and when it does, it leaves room for something else to enter. Maybe that's a little bit like what you were writing about . . . Gratitude as an act, toward yourself, each other, strangers, the earth . . .
