Saturday, September 18, 2010

Just an update on my back

I was trying to upload the bad ass video of me training, but it's too long...

Yeah, that's right...that's just how I'm trainin'...LOL...

So, I'm updating my back, see the vid...

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Another journey begins (from july 2010)

Want to share this, Because I know there's a lot of people with back pain. There's an old saying, something about shared suffering easing everyone's pain. Let us pray...

Friday, September 3, 2010

Reset...Hello welcome to my blog and Bronze sculpting 01

Dayum....guess I had better raise my game; I have actual followers and stuff! Thanks for that.

I'm going to try to get into the steps I use in creating the bronze sculptures. This video is the first step. I've seen this done many different way. You can really make the sculpture out of anything. I used white sculpture wax for this one. It's soft, quick and easy to work, but doesn't hold great detail, as you'll see if you stay turned...