Friday, September 3, 2010

Reset...Hello welcome to my blog and Bronze sculpting 01

Dayum....guess I had better raise my game; I have actual followers and stuff! Thanks for that.

I'm going to try to get into the steps I use in creating the bronze sculptures. This video is the first step. I've seen this done many different way. You can really make the sculpture out of anything. I used white sculpture wax for this one. It's soft, quick and easy to work, but doesn't hold great detail, as you'll see if you stay turned...

1 comment:

  1. Hey Ken,

    Nice to *meet* you! I've been blogging for 4 years but you just got me beat! I've been meaning to start making little videos just like this for about a year now. Even got a video camera but have yet to record anything on it. LOL

    Loved seeing your work in progress. Will be really fascinating to see it progress.
