Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year's 2011

As I start 2011, it is with Hope, and at least some level of the confidence I've always had. Confidence that this fight with Cancer is over and done...
It's with determination, that this experience will inform the plans I've been making going forward, as a person, as an engineer, and as an artist. I've kept my art on the back burner while I've tried to make my way in this world...Time for change has come. I feel, more strongly than ever, that now is the time to see if my gifts as an artist relate to people enough for them to keep me in the manner I've become accustomed to...Time to be an Artist.

I'm feeling better every day. As far as I'm concerned, I AM cancer free (the appointment where they tell me those results is in mid January). I have been walking. I have been eating lean protein (though, not often enough I've been counseled, so I'm kicking that up to six meals a day). I have been mindful. I have been breathing...oh hell yeah I've been breathing...

I've been making art. I've been making ART! I had a sculpture stolen from a local venue, the Bar of Modern Art. These folks have chosen to be non responsive to my attempts to get them to make it right. I'm going to make it right. I'm going to remake that sculpture. Hopefully, whoever stole it did so because they loved it the way I did. If that's the case, I hope I make it so they cannot show it in their own home, because it's everywhere else...I am everywhere else, showing another, similar enough to be a twin, and telling my story...I hope to raise my profile high enough that this sculpture, and my story, is all over the news. Living well, y'all...

2011, the Year of the Artist, and I don't mean Prince...

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